How To Protect Your Credit Card Online

Our New York commercial photographers often shoot look books and product shots for ecommerce retailers in our Brooklyn photography studio. While we love the world of online shopping, Le Image Inc knows how important it is to be cautious.  More people than ever are doing their Christmas shopping online, credit card safety is more important than ever. Read our list below to keep your credit card information safe when shopping the post holiday sales.

1.    Look for the HTTPS sign in the URL bar

When your reach the check out part of your online shopping trip, be sure to check the URL bar before you type in your credit card information. HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure and ensures that your data will be encrypted. HTTPS also denotes an authentic URL, preventing those “man-in-the-middle attacks” which target online shoppers.

2.    Make a Credit Card Account Just For Your Online Shopping

 Sometimes credit card data is breeched even on secure websites. Mega-retailer, Target, suffered a bad security breech this Christmas which affected 40 million credit cards and debit cards. This is just one of 600 publicly disclosed date breaches in 2013. So, to prevent what seems like the inevitable, it is best to open a separate credit card account for your online purchases. That way, you can cancel the card the minute you see signs of fraud without affecting your day-to-day purchases and online bills.

 3.    Buy a Visa Gift Card/PayPal to Make Purchases

Finally, if you are still unsure about an online retailers website or just can’t bear to use your main credit card, purchase a Visa Gift Card. You can purchase a Visa Gift Card at most major grocery stores/drug stores and you can load them with whatever amount you need. The Visa Gift Cards work just like a credit card and you can use them online to make any purchase.

Le Image hopes you found these online security tips helpful! Most retailers are in the midst of planning their semi-annual sales for January, which, of course, will be online too. Happy holidays and happy shopping!

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